Tuesday, December 18, 2012


4 ounces champagne
1 ounce Chambord
Splash of cranberry juice

I couldn’t end my year of cocktails without another one made with champagne and Chambord. It’s a combination that is now close to my heart. I’ve tried these two in a couple of different cocktails, but the CHAMBORD SOULMATE was the first one with cranberry juice.

To make the CHAMBORD SOULMATE, I poured four ounces — or half of one of those mini-bottles they sell in four packs — of champagne into a short, round cocktail glass, added some Chambord raspberry-flavored liqueur and a heavy smidgen of cranberry juice. I gave it stir and decided it also needed some ice.

The CHAMBORD SOULMATE was good for my soul. I found it to be a lovely cocktail with a pleasing raspberry flavor. The cranberry only adds to the sweet taste of the champagne and Chambord. And though it was sweet, it wasn’t too fruity or frilly. The CHAMBORD SOULMATE is a light cocktail with substance and it aims to please. Put it on your New Year's shopping list for something different and delicious.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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