Sunday, November 4, 2012


2 ounces Godiva Mocha Liqueur
6 ounces coffee
Whipped Cream for topping

I needed some coffee to perk me up this afternoon and I needed a cocktail — a good one. The CAFÉ GODIVA fit the moment perfectly. To make it, I started with a hot cup of coffee, added a shot and a half of Godiva Mocha Liqueur, and topped it off with some whipped cream to make the cocktail a more pretty and creamy one.

Yes, a CAFÉ GODIVA and a Sunday afternoon went perfectly together. It took ordinary coffee and made it extraordinary. The chocolaty cocktail warmed me up and calmed me down. I enjoyed every nip and sip. I’ve had the white chocolate Godiva liquor, and now that I’ve had the mocha too, I’m convinced that Belgium’s Godiva is not only the king of chocolate, but they are the king of chocolate liquors too. They make mocha, white chocolate, chocolate, caramel, and two types of chocolate-infused vodkas. And I’m gonna try them all — someday.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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