Monday, November 5, 2012


1½ measures vodka
¾ measure Cointreau
¾ measure lemon juice

The sharp-tasting BALALAIKA cocktail is perfect for one of those nights that you just want a nice sipping cocktail. To make it, put the three ingredients above into a cocktail shaker, add ice, and shake well. Strain the mixture into a short cocktail glass if you want to add ice or a martini glass if you prefer your cocktails straight. Garnish with a lemon or orange slice.

Cointreau and lemon juice are commonly combined in cocktails like sidecars (cognac) and white ladies (gin.) The BALALAIKA, in true Russian fashion, combines the two with vodka. The result is a lot like a lemon drop, but so much better. Unlike a lemon drop, the BALALAIKA is light and citrusy, not sweet and sugary. If you like your lemon juice with a teensy bit of orange flavor and the powerful punch of vodka, the BALALAIKA is for you. Hubby was in citrus-heaven and said the cocktail reminded him of the jungles of Brazil. It was too tart for my taste, but I could see its potential as a digestive aid. Either way, sip and enjoy.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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