Sunday, September 23, 2012



1 measure white rum
½ measure Blue Curacao

There’s black tea and then there’s Black Tea. VOODOO TEA is Black Tea — black in color, in name and in taste. To make it, start by putting some sweetened tea into a small mug or cocktail glass. Add rum, Blue Curacao and ice, then stir and serve to the nearest voodoo doll.

Voodoo is an ancient African religion practiced by 30 million. I don’t know how many of them drink, but if they do, they would enjoy a cup of VOODOO TEA at the end of their voodoo day. It was nice and sweet, and different. The unique flavor made me hesitant at first, but once I wrapped my head around it, I dived it and drank up. It was much better than the tea cocktail I had Friday night —prettier and cheaper too. And no spell was needed.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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