Monday, September 24, 2012


That's Hubby & Me Enjoying NYC in the picture!
2 measures Canadian whiskey or Scotch
1 tsp. superfine sugar
Juice from half a lime
Dash of grenadine

What do Canucks think of New Yorkers? Oddly enough, you can find out by making a NEW YORK cocktail. The cocktail was invented in the 1920s in Canada. To make it, you will need Canadian whiskey (I used Canadian Club) or Scotch. Whatever you do, do not use American whiskey to make your NEW YORK cocktail. Don’t ask why. Just put the brown liquor into a pitcher, add sugar, juice from half a life and a dash of grenadine. Add ice to the pitcher and stir well for at least a minute. Then strain that into a short cocktail glass, add some fresh ice, and garnish with a slice of lemon or lime.

The NEW YORK cocktail is one of those sweet whiskey drinks that allow a gal like me to drink brown liquor and enjoy it. With the whiskey, the sweet from the sugar and grenadine, and a touch of sour from the lime, I thought it had the perfect balance. I dare say I liked the NEW YORK even better than the CC and ginger my friend Jen introduced me to. Hubby had a different opinion. He said it was like a Manhattan cocktail gone terribly wrong. Visit the cocktail yourself and see if you love NEW YORK.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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