Friday, August 10, 2012


1 ½ measures Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped Vodka
1 measure butterscotch schnapps
Splash of half & half

Hubby and I went out to dinner at Paninis in Concord, Ohio, tonight, to visit our hard-working niece Margo, who is a waitress there. I always love to sit back and watch a child I know — someone you once had to wait on and open juice boxes for — work their butt off and serve others. Circle of life kind of thing.

Something else I’ve always loved is butter cream frosting, and tonight I found its cocktail equivalent in the BUTTER CREAM MARTINI. To make it, the bartender put the ingredients above into a cocktail shaker, added ice, shook it well and strained it into a martini glass. It was also suppose to have chocolate drizzled on the sides of the glass, but that didn’t happen. Oh well. That is to be expected in a sports bar on the night of the Browns’ first pre-season game (which they won, woof! woof!)

The BUTTER CREAM MARTINI lives up to its name. It is buttery, creamy and very rich. Very good, but also very filling. The taste of butter cream frosting is there, along with the taste of butterscotch ice cream. The strength of the vodka is well hidden in the sweet of the cocktail. Although I took great pleasure in every sip. I couldn’t image drinking more than one. It would make a good dessert though. Panini’s cocktail list was full of other good–looking dessert cocktails too, with great names like the Desperate Housewife, the Forbidden Love and the Panini-Tini, which is made with secret ingredients. I’ll be back and I’ll get the recipe out of them. Or my name isn’t Cocktail Connie.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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