Thursday, August 9, 2012


1½ measures gin
¾ measure apricot brandy
¼ measure grenadine
4 measures sparkling bitter lemon (I used lemonade)

Like the Aurora Borealis northern lights that light up the arctic sky, the refreshing ARCTIC SUMMER cocktail will light up your summer. One of my favorites so far this summer, it is also a cocktail that is very easy to make. No cocktail shaker, or even a spoon, is needed. What you do need are the ingredients above. Just put them in the order and measurements as listed into a tall glass filled with crushed ice. Pour them in layers and don’t stir. Garnish with a slice of lemon, a maraschino cherry, or both.

Unlike other layered drinks I’ve had this year, I had no desire to stir the one-of-a-kind ARCTIC SUMMER cocktail. The layers were the best thing about the cocktail. Every couple gulps was something new. The first few were lemonade, then I tasted the gin, then the apricot… The grenadine settled at the bottom, so the last few sips were sweet, ending it on a perfect note. You really have to drink the whole cocktail to appreciate it. Don’t skimp on the ice and don’t quit early. But do drink the ARCTIC SUMMER in the sunshine, while savoring the last of summer.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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