Wednesday, July 11, 2012


1 measure Seagram’s 7 Whiskey

Ahh… SEVEN & SEVEN, my old friend. How perfect you are for a night like tonight, when I need an easy cocktail for a busy night of shopping and packing to take a trip with some other old friend.

I use to order you all the time when I was young and wanted to sound sophisticated. I’m sure I didn’t even know what your ingredients were back then. I only knew that, even though you contained brown liquor, I still liked you. Now I know that you are made with Seagram’s 7, an American whiskey and I like you even more because you are a patriotic drink that helps the economy. As my sips turn to slurps, I realize that, like yesterday' grapefruit juice, 7-Up is a great companion for any cocktail. I enjoy your strong, yet pleasant, aftertaste and your fun bubbles SEVEN & SEVEN. Glad your back.
Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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