Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Monkey Wrench Cocktail

Actual Monkey Wrench

1½ measures white rum
2 measures grapefruit juice lemon juice
A MONKEY WRENCH was thrown into my cocktail plans tonight when I didn’t have the dark rum I needed to make the cocktail on the calendar. But I did have white rum and the ingredients for a MONKEY WRENCH, and the title seemed to fit my dilemma.

Making the MONKEY WRENCH took no time at all. I just put the rum into a tall glass half-filled with shaved ice, added the grapefruit juice and topped it off with lemonade. I finished with a lemon garnish, but an orange or grapefruit garnish would be really cool, especially if you made an artistic arrangement with it.

The MONKEY WRENCH was more fun than a barrel of monkeys and more refreshing than the view from a tall tree in the jungle. I learned that grapefruit juice is the ultimate cocktail companion, and goes well with vodka, rum, gin, just about any alcohol you choose to mix with it. The MONKEY WRENCH cocktail would be great for a sunny afternoon spent in the garden or the hammock. Just beware that it will disappear quickly from your glass and one too many could easily throw a monkey wrench into your gearbox. Be careful and don't strip your nuts.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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