Friday, July 6, 2012


1 1/2 ounces vodka
4 ounces cranberry juice
1 ounce grapefruite juice

Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio, is the number one rated amusement park on the planet.  It has some of the world's tallest, fastest and best roller coasters and rides, and I love it there so much that I worked there one summer in college. But it was hard to love on a day like today, where it reached 98 degrees. I was looking for any breeze I could find --a Lake Erie Breeze, a breeze from going on a ride, a breeze from standing near a ride, heck even the breeze from stiff drink would have been good. But there were no cocktails inside Cedar Point. So after a two hour ride home that involved dropping off two kids, a cocktail was needed to go with my cold shower.

An easy SEA BREEZE fit the bill nicely. To make it, I simply put the three ingredients above into a tall glass filled with ice, gave it a stir and garnished with a slice of orange. A slice of lime or lemon would have worked good as well.

I've ordered many a SEA BREEZE at a bar during the summer, especially if I was at a pool or beach. This refreshing refreshment is a classic and I now know why. Though it is mostly juice and vodka, it feels healthy and calming. The grapefruit and cranberry juice are parceled out nicely so that they compliment eachother, and neither one overwhelms the cocktail. I don't know how anyone could not like it. Mr. Penguin, which cost me $10 to win at a classic Cedar Point Guessing Game and is probably worth $1, sure did. I must be really tired because I decided to give him a sip after I thought I saw him giving me the evil eye because he was jealous of my delicious SEA BREEZE cocktail.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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