Saturday, July 7, 2012


1 ½ measure vodka
½ measure crème de cassis
¼ measure lemon juice
4 measures ginger ale

I don’t know if this cocktail is Polish, but the KEMPINSKY FIZZ made me want to polka. The fizz from the ginger ale was fun and it tasted so good that I drank a cask full. To make the KEMPINSKY FIZZ, no shaker was needed. This was good, since my favorite shaker’s lid has gone missing. I just put the first three ingredients listed above into a tall glass filled with shaved ice, gave it a stir, THEN added the ginger ale. I didn’t stir the cocktail anymore and I added a slice of lime for garnish.

Polish or not, the KEMPINKSY FIZZ is no joke. It is wonderful and, if you make it for your next guests, they will love you. It is not too sweet and is pleasantly refreshing. This is probably due to the crème de cassis, a blackberry liqueur that makes any cocktail combination delicious. The interesting color combination in the KEMPINSKY FIZZ is mauve on bottom and pink on the top. Likewise, it’s taste is strong on the bottom and light on top. Time to “roll out the barrel.”

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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