Saturday, June 30, 2012


1½ measures Irish Whiskey
¾ measure sweet red vermouth
3 dashes Angostura Bitters

"Don't talk to him right now right now, he's in a real paddy."

As the quote above illustrates, a PADDY is another word for someone in a bad mood. It's also the name for a rice field and the slang term for a drunken Irishman. It's that last definition that caused me to pick today's cocktail for a belated Father’s Day celebration with Dear Old Dad. He just came back from a trip to the homeland – Ireland and I thought an Irish whiskey drink would be fitting.

To make the PADDY, I just put high quality Irish whiskey into a cocktail glass filled with ice, added the red vermouth and a few dashes of Angostura Bitters, then gave it a stir and served it up.

Dad and Hubby thought the PADDY had too much red vermouth, but I thought it had too little. Though it is a strong drink, it is also a good drink, especially after a ten minute melt. Squeezing the lemon slice is also critical to a good PADDY cocktail. Just watch out for the aftertaste and for the Paddys, especially the ones from my family.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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