Friday, June 29, 2012


1 measure berry vodka
Blue Curacao

Friday nights in the summertime are the best. Work is done for the week and two whole days stretch ahead of doing what you want (Well, mostly anyways. There are usually a few chores to do too.)

My summertime Friday night was an especially fun one tonight. Good friends, including Montana Michelle, came over for a sunset cruise on Lake Erie. But first, there were cocktails. The group took advantage of my well-stocked bar and there were a variety of cocktails being concocted tonight. The signature cocktail of the evening though was my own take on a cocktail that I had at a bar this week. I call it a BERRY GOOD LEMONADE. To make it, I used Pinnacle Berry Vodka, but Three Olives and probably a few other spirit makers have berry flavored vodka too. I put one measure of the vodka into a tall glass filled with ice, filled most of the rest of the glass up with lemonade, then gave it a stir. I topped the drink off with a splash of Blue Curacao, then plopped in some strawberry slices, blueberries and garnished with a slice of lemon.

The BERRY GOOD LEMONADE was a fabulous start to the fun night. Sure, it’s basically just a lemonade and vodka, but I loved the addition of the blue coloring and the floating fruit. It was a laid-back kind of cocktail that went down easy. Before you know it, I had drank three. Friends called it “fabulous.” It was sweet and slushy like, and would sell well at a 7-Eleven. Frankly, it’s the only was to have lemonade.
But even better than the cocktail was the rest of the night. A flat Lake Erie, a beautiful sunset, more drinks at Shooters in the Flats, hilarious stories, and a rare time with old friends. If only the wild dancing hadn’t led to a broken nose for my friend Cindy, it would have been perfect!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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