Thursday, May 17, 2012


1 measure gin
1 measure Cointreau
1 measure lemon juice
Egg white and lime garnish optional

This white lady drank a WHITE LADY tonight and she liked it. Don’t let the egg scare you, and give this cocktail a try. To make the lovely WHITE LADY cocktail, put equal parts gin, Cointreau and lemon juice into a shaker, add an egg white, ice and shake. Strain the frothy, white mixture into a chilled cocktail glass and add a lime garnish. Mmmm…

The WHITE LADY is smooth and citrusy. Hubby, who is no lady, called it hip and happening. It was an uncommon taste, dry at first, but then it grew on me. I loved the foam produced from using the egg white, plus it added a little needed protein to my diet. The WHITE LADY is also a strong drink. It is a classic cocktail recipe from the 1920s, created as a lady’s drink and supposedly harmless. After having one, I now think the ladies in the 20s were the ones who called it harmless, then chugged them down before going home to their families and household chores.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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