Tuesday, May 15, 2012


2 measures red wine
1 1/2 measures red port
1/2 measure cognac

We all need a port in a storm every once in a while, whether figuratively or literally. The PORT IN A STORM cocktail can serve as your rock when the seas get rough.

To make it, just put red wine, port, and cognac - the higher quality the better -into a glass pitcher. Add a generous scoop of ice to the pitcher, stir and let it sit for a few minutes, then pour it into a wine glass with the ice.

Hubby and I both enjoyed the PORT IN A STORM cocktail. It tasted like a very different type of red wine and definitely had a kick that warmed our bellies. The raspberry taste of the port is the dominate flavor, and the cognac was hardly noticeable, which is good since I'm not a big cognac fan. Strong, simple, and satiating, PORT IN A STORM is my go-to cocktail post-shipwrecks from now on.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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