Monday, May 28, 2012


1 measure St. Germain

My visit to SouthernOhio this weekend included a stop at the Party Source store in Newport,Kentucky. If you are ever traveling down highway 71, make a stop, because theParty Source is da bomb! It’s been frustrating doing this blog in Ohio. Theliquor stores are very limited in what they can sell because their choices arecontrolled by the state. Many times I’ve seen a cocktail recipe I wanted tomake, but I couldn’t find the ingredients. Not so in the land of freedom knownas Kentucky. The Horse Capital of the World is also the liquor capital of the world.I spent a small fortune, but oh the cocktails I'm going to make with the liquorI found there!
Hubby was so excited about one of his purchases at the Party Source that my planned Memorial Day cocktail got usurped by his need to try the St. Germain that he had bought. St.Germain is a French liqueur made with elderberries. It tastes of tropical fruits, pears, and honeysuckle. It’s very sweet, but in a pleasant way. Hubby said that he had always wanted to try it because, for him, it evoked a vision of high-end, European, summertime sipping. For me, it evoked a vision of him making the cocktail for a change.
There are many cocktails you can make with St. Germain, but Hubby chose the classic ST.GERMAIN CHAMPAGNE. To make it, he simply put some St. Germain into a chilled champagne flute, topped it off with some champagne and floated a lovely little strawberry in. Raspberries or a lemon twist can also be used. The ST. GERMAIN CHAMPAGNE was predictably sweet, but it was also floral, fragrant, fruity and just dry enough to make it good. The taste made me lick my lips and dream of Paris circa 1946, when a woman could have curves. The best part was taking a bite of the strawberry, sipping the cocktail, and loving life.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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