Tuesday, May 29, 2012


1 ½ measure vodka
½ measure crème de mure
½ measure lime juice

My belated Memorial Day cocktail is the BLACKHAWK, named after the U.S Army tactical helicopter. A Blackhawk helicopter is a tough bastard that can transport 11 soldiers and is often used for strategic ops.

The BLACKHAWK cocktail is powerful too, but it’s not too tough to make or enjoy. To make the BLACKHAWK, you’ll need crème de mure, a blackberry liqueur that may not be easy to find, but is well worth tracking down, if only just to smell it. It has a wonderful blackberry fragrance that comes through in the cocktail.

Put the crème de mure, vodka and lime juice into a shaker, fill it with ice, shake and strain into the glass of your choice. Garnish with a slice of lime and a blackberry if you have it. Obviously I did not, but I appreciated this cocktail just the same. The taste was strong, but also completely irresistible. The BLACKHAWK cocktail could be described as “jammy” and it would be best sipped alone, without food. It’s a different kind of treat and one that shouldn’t be missed.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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