Thursday, May 24, 2012


1 measure Grand Marnier
1 measure Kahlua
3 measures orange juice

Who says daily cocktails aren’t good for you? Not only have several studies proven that a drink a day keeps the cardiologist away, but I’m learning some interesting things researching the meaning of cocktail names. Tonight’s cocktail for instance, the KOWLOON, is named for the Chinese district that faces Hong Kong Island. Within Kowloon today is the old site of the Kowloon Walled City, a place with a real freaky history. It started as a Chinese fort in the 1800s, then was used as an enclave for the Chinese who were trying to escape all the British who were taking over in the late 1800s. It got super densely populated during World War II, when the Japanese occupied Hong Kong. By 1987, the Kowloon Walled City had 33,000 people living in 6.5 acres. As you can imagine, prostitution, gambling and drug use were rampant. Hong Kong demolished the wall that same year after a very difficult eviction process and today it’s a park.

Beats me why the KOWLOON cocktail is named after this crazy place, but I liked learning about it just the same. Making the cocktail is easy — no shaker or pitcher needed. Just put the ingredients above into a tall glass filled with chipped ice and stir. The stirrer I have in my cocktail symbolizes the first day of using our home air conditioner and the lemon is an improve garnish. The recipe called for an orange slice, but I was plum out. An orange slice would have been more appropriate, because the KOWLOON has a strong orange flavor, with just a hint of coffee from the Kahlua. Grand Marnier is delicious in any cocktail and this one brings out the best in it. I definitely give the KOWLOON a thumbs up. Drink it someplace with elbow room and give thanks.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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