Wednesday, May 23, 2012


4 ounces gin
2 ounces Cointreau
4 ounces orange juice

Sipping a BULL DOG COOLER makes me feel cool, healthy, invigorated and guilty, because I have a work function later. Work, schmerk, I can’t go a day without a cocktail. After almost six months, daily cocktailing has become as much a part of my routine as brushing my teeth and nagging my child.
To make the BULL DOG COOLER, just put the first three ingredients listed above into a shaker, add ice and shake it like a Polaroid picture. (OK, maybe the cocktail is already going to my head — I’m in trouble.) Then strain your mixture into a highball glass and fill the rest of the glass up with water. Garnish or whatever.

Just like Spike, the bull dog from the Bugs Bunny cartoons, the BULL DOG COOLER is very lovable. Cointreau and orange juice are a great combo and the gin is tasteless, yet somehow also very necessary. I’m not sure why the cocktail needs water, but I’ll probably be grateful for that later on. This cocktail makes me realize that I’ve only scratched the surface of the many great cocktails out there with orange juice. Next time you are looking to shake things up, make yourself a strong, flexible and reliable BULL DOG COOLER.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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