Monday, April 16, 2012


1 measure Midori
1 ½ measures lime juice
1 ½ measures simple syrup

It was “use up some almost empty bottles” night and a MIDORI SOUR fit the task nicely. To make it, I used up my Midori, lime juice and simple syrup by putting them in the measurements above into a shaker, filling it with ice, shaking it up and filling up some cocktail glasses. The recipe, which I creatively got from the back of a Midori bottle, didn’t call for the cocktail to be on ice, but hubby insisted his be on ice and, I must admit, it looked better. Both were topped off with a slice of lime.

Midori liqueur is a sweet alcohol made from melons that grow in Japan, where Midori is made. Midori translates to “green” in Japanese, and green it is. Any cocktail made with Midori will be green and the MIDORI SOUR is no exception. In it, the green is made even brighter with the addition of lime juice . The cocktail both looked and tasted like a green jollyrancher — the sour apple flavor. It definitely had an apple aftertaste. With lots of sugar, the MIDORI SOUR sounded sweet, but it tasted more sour than sweet. It is a cocktail that would appeal to beginning drinkers. Midori debuted in the U.S. at Studio 54 in 1978, where no doubt the place was wall-to-wall beginner drinkers. But even us seasoned veterans should include Midori cocktails like the MIDORI SOUR in our repertoire.
Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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