Tuesday, April 17, 2012


2 chunks of grapefruit
Whole peeled lime
½ peeled lemon
3 tbsp. sugar
2 oz. tequila
¾ oz. Grand Marnier
¼ cup Miller High Life Beer

When I saw this margarita recipe in the May 2012 issue of Redbook magazine, I had to try it. Miller High Life is a staple in our house thanks to Hubby. He’s been living the high life from day one. He says it’s crisp and clean, and he likes how it comes in a glass bottle, so you can see it. He’s also partial to that crazy lady in the moon on the bottle’s neck. I only drink Miller if there’s nothing else in the house, which isn’t often.

But Miller High Life mixed with fresh fruit and tequila? Maybe I could lead the high life too! To make the "IT'S MOTHER'S DAY SOMEWHERE" MARGARITA (a title created by the Redbook Mommy Mixologist, which doesn’t really make sense to me), I pulled out the blender and started peeling a lime, a lemon and a grapefruit. I then put two chunks of the grapefruit, ½ of the lemon and the whole lime into a blender. I added the sugar, tequila, Grand Marnier and blended on low for a few seconds, before added the Miller High Life and one cup of ice, then blending again. The recipe above filled up two large martini glasses with some left over.

The weirdly-named margarita was fruity, easy-drinking and interesting. I could taste the beer, but if I hadn’t known it was in there, I might not of. If you make it and serve it to someone, whatever you do, don’t tell them about the Miller. For though I drank it in about 10 minutes and I was fond of it, it was hardly the High Life touted by that funny, large, African-American in the commercials. It had too many ingredients, and involved peeling, not to mention the washing of a blender. Nice try Mommy Mixologist, but around here, it’s only going to be Mother’s Day once a year.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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