Monday, April 23, 2012


2 ounces Rum
3 ounces Kahlua
1 ounce Triple Sec

Me and a fellow soccer Mom/friend decided to kill the all-too-fleeting hour while our darling children were at soccer practice sharing a cocktail across the street at a dive bar. I insisted we order my cocktail choice for the evening — an EAGER BEAVER. The original recipe found on called for Cointreau, not Triple Sec. But the dive bar did not have Cointreau, so the bartender got creative with Triple Sec. She said she could have used Grand Marnier, but that the drink sounded gross to her no matter what was used, so she saved us money by using something cheap. Hmmm…..

She put the ingredients listed above into a shaker, filled it with ice and shook it well. She then strained it into a couple of highball glasses upon our request. And it was a request I was glad we made. One sip and we were asking for the addition of ice and club soda. For while the conversation was good, the EAGER BEAVER cocktail was not. Though it was the color of a beaver, my friend said no one should be too eager to order it. And I agreed. Still, I drank it down right quick and, God knows, I’ve tried worst cocktails. I’d describe the EAGER BEAVER as sweet, strong, and almost syrupy. I can’t help but wonder if using Cointreau would have made it better. It’s something I’ll be eager to try.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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