Tuesday, April 24, 2012


2 ounces Canadian Club Whiskey
6 ounces Ginger Ale

“Alls I'm sayin’ is April 24th is my birthday and my favorite drink is CC and Ginger. If you are not familiar with those gals, they are worth introducing yourself to. They represent the brown liquor family in an excellent manner.”

That’s an e-mail from my good friend Jennifer, who was paving the way for my introduction to two of her good friends. I wish I could have shared the CC & GINGER with her in person, but she’s too busy working like a dog with her eye on the prize — Jazzfest in New Orleans. Oh the cocktails I could have there! New Orleans is the U.S. cocktail capital and I’m sad to be missing the fest this year. But I know that the reigning “rookie of the year” champion will be back.

I experienced my first CC & GINGER (sometimes called a CC and Dry) while with other good friends at the Terrace Club at Progressive Field during an Indians Game. To make it, the bartender simply put Ms. CC and Ms. Ginger into a cocktail glass, added ice and stirred. The Indians won and so did I, because I found a new favorite cocktail. Yes, Jennifer, I’m a believer. The CC & GINGER is a fine way to drink whiskey. It was crisp, thirst-quenching, and buzz-inducing. I can’t believe I’ve never tried one before. I had two before I left the Terrace Club, and I may just have to sneak some Canadian Club into the next concert I go to, hoping they sell ginger ale at the concession stand. Not that anyone I know does that….

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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