Wednesday, March 28, 2012


¾ measure Cointreau
1 ½ measure vodka
Fresh lime juice
Splash of cranberry

It was a “back of the bottle” kind of night and the cocktail recipe that caught my eye was on the back on my Cointreau bottle. I’ve become a big fan of the orange liquor from France and this recipe sounded yummy. Called the COINTREAU COSMOPOLITAN, I was intrigued by the cocktail’s mixture of Cointreau and vodka — another favorite of mine. Plus, I had some lime and cranberry juice in the new fridge. Done! I can’t understand why any liquor wouldn’t put recipes on the back of their bottles. Surely, I’m not the only lazy person out there.

Cointreau’s Marketing Department did not disappoint and neither did the COINTREAU COSMOPOLITAN. To make it, simply put the list of stuff above into a shaker, fill it with ice, shake and strain into martini glasses. If you have the foresight, chill the glasses for at least a half an hour before hand for a nice touch.

You’ll find the COINTREAU COSMOPOLITAN to be a smooth, luscious twist to the usual cosmo. The orange liquor enhances the vodka nicely. But with two types of alcohol and not much else, this is a strong cocktail. In fact, it warmed my tummy a bit, which is always a sign of a strong one, and I felt a little tipsy after just one. Yep, love those back of the bottle drinks.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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