Tuesday, March 27, 2012


1 measure scotch
1 measure sweet brown sherry
½ measure lemon juice
½ measure grenadine

I had high hopes for the ARTIST SPECIAL cocktail. It was popular in Paris in the 1920s, when it was invented at the Artists’ Club in the rue Pigalle. The description in my book of 750 cocktails said it was appealing mixture, and I like the cocktail’s name. Heck, I love art and artists.

But I do not love the ARTIST SPECIAL cocktail. To make it, I put scotch, sherry, lemon juice and grenadine, in the measurements above, into a shaker, added ice and chilled the mixture thoroughly with aggressive shakes. I then strained it into some cute little cocktail glasses, and tried to garnish with orange twists, put they quickly floated to the bottom. A slice of lemon would have worked better.
As I said, I don’t think this one is a winner. It’s not that bad, but its also not that good. But what would I expect with a cocktail that combines sherry and scotch? The kinds I used were cheap, and that may have influenced the final product. But I have a feeling the ARTIST SPECIAL would have that odd, terrible taste, even with higher quality booze. It was a pretty color and I still like the name, but that’s about it. I’d recommend some other cocktail I’ve tried this year to get your artistic side flowing.
Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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