Sunday, February 5, 2012


1 measure Blue Curacao
1 measure Rum
¾ measure sour mix
½ measure Peach Schnapps
Who’s watching the Superbowl? I’m just watching it for the commercials and half-time show myself, though I’ll probably catch some of the game too. The husband is rooting for the Giants because he likes an underdog, which explains his unhealthy obsession with the Cleveland Browns.

So for his sake, and because I bought some Blue Curacao at the liquor store that I’m dying to try, today’s cocktail comes from Hooters’ Manhattan location and was created in honor of the Giants. Called the BIG BLUE cocktail, I found the recipe on Fox News’ website. It is described as a “fun concoction to prepare and serve.”

It was fun to prepare. I started by coating the bottom of a chilled martini glass (I put it in the freezer for about an hour) with the grenadine. I then added the rest of the ingredients to a shaker full of ice and shook it well. Lastly, I strained the mixture into the martini glass and tried to capture the blue of the drink on celluloid. I don’t think I quite did.

BIG BLUE is fruity and sweet enough to go down easy. But it also delivers a deceptively powerful thump. My head may feel like a football in the morning if I have too many. More blue cocktails are coming your way. They are just so cool looking! Almost time for Madonna — gotta get back to the couch.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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