Monday, January 9, 2012


Rusty the Drink

Rusty the Brother
1 ½ measure Scotch
1 ½ measure Drambuie

When you hear the name of the RUSTY NAIL cocktail, your mind most likely conjures up an image of an old man sitting on a rusty bar stool nursing a classic rocks glass. Since yesterday was my brother’s birthday, his name is Rusty, and he is now an old man of 38, I had to try a RUSTY NAIL. To make the cocktail, simply combine equal parts Scotch and Drambuie in a rocks glass over ice and stir gently. Garnishing would be a sin.

The RUSTY NAIL cocktail is my first foray into the world of Scotch. Like many people, I could never keep the difference between Scotch and whiskey straight in my head. But I got it down now. Whiskey is a common type of alcohol that is made all over the world. It’s easy to find and cheap. Scotch, on the other hand, is a type of whiskey, but it is a special kind that is only made in Scotland. It is more expensive, with bottles of good Scotch going for a much as $10,000 for a 50 year-old Chivas Regal.

Scotch has a smoky flavor and is definitely an acquired taste. I’ve heard that once you acquire a taste for Scotch, you’ll crave it. I don’t see that craving happening in my future. Granted, I’m glad I’ve finally gotten a handle on the whole Scotch vs. whiskey thing, but I don’t have a handle on the RUSTY NAIL. The drink was sassy, crisp, potent, and semi-sweet, but what it wasn’t was gone. I couldn’t even finish it. Still, I’ll give Scotch another whirl or two this year of cocktails. Maybe the RUSTY NAIL was just a bit too rusty for me.

Now, Rusty the brother, him I can hang with. I spent his birthday evening watching his band, Cholly, lay down some funk. That bad picture up there is from his gig. Hey, it was dark. Fortunately, his band was better than today’s cocktail and I made it till the end.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie


  1. "sassy, crisp, potent, and semi-sweet" - also sounds like you are describing Rusty.

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