Sunday, January 8, 2012


4 measures well-chilled champagne
1 measure applejack or calvados
¼ measure grenadine

Did you know that Marilyn Monroe spent most of her childhood in foster homes? Explains some things, doesn’t it. I bet when she was a child, she never dreamed she’d be sipping Dom Pérignon champagne— the ultimate celebratory accessory — on a regular basis.

To make the MARILYN MONROE cocktail the right way, you are suppose to use Dom Pérignon, one of the finest champagnes on the market. But at about $129 a bottle, it may not be a viable option for you. I know it wasn’t for me. So, slum it if you must like I did. I used a $12 bottle of Korbel California Champagne and it worked just fine, though one of my goals in life is to have this drink the right way one day.

The mixing of the MARILYN MONROE is simple and elegant. Simply add all the ingredients above to a champagne saucer, or the closest thing you can find, stir very gently, and garnish with a cocktail cherry. Share with family that came over for dinner like I did and watch them have two each.

And I don’t blame them. Like the screen siren, the drink is fascinating. It’s strong and sweet, and lingers on your lips in a good way. It is a perfect balance of champagne and applejack, and is actually refreshing if the champagne is cold. Applejack is basically apple brandy and it is good all on its own. I have a new favorite brown liquor in applejack. Who needs diamonds?

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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