Monday, January 16, 2012


4 sugar cubs
½ pint hot, strong, black coffee
1 measures of cognac

On Martin Luther King Day, something strong, black and dramatic seemed appropriate. I had a dream that the CAFÉ ROYALE cocktail would be all these things, but, sadly, that dream was not realized.

The concept of the CAFÉ ROYALE seemed like a good one. To make it, start by putting a sugar cube into a coffee mug. Then, add strong coffee and top it off with cognac. You are suppose to “float” the cognac, then light it on fire. Sounds dramatic right? Well, it wasn’t. As the picture shows, we tried to light it and I’d say a whole ½ second of flame ensued. But beyond that, the cocktail was not cooperating. I think I need to look into the whole floating thing and re-visit this cocktail. I was probably doing something wrong.

Even though the flame died, we enjoyed drinking the CAFÉ ROYALE. Cognac is a surprisingly great addition to a black cup of coffee and I’d drink it again anytime. It was coffee with a kick, and it really got my day going. It had some sort of medicinal magic to it and I may never drink my coffee any other way again. Now, that may lead to some strong drama!

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