Tuesday, January 17, 2012


1 ½ measure gin
½ measure lime juice
2 dashes of Angostura bitters

Good ole’ Benjamin Franklin was born this day in 1706. The man honored by the U.S. one-hundred dollar bill was a writer, printer, publisher, political leader, and inventor. One of my favorite of his inventions is the writing chair, a wooden chair with an “arm” on one side that provides a writing surface. In other words, it’s a high school desk. Those desks sometimes made fitting everything on them a challenge, but I just loved how easy they made it to pass notes and make quick getaways when the bell rang.

I love that Ben led a simple life and didn’t have much ambition for wealth. He just loved his work. Another thing Ben loved was the occasional cocktail. Since it was invented in the 1920s, I’m pretty sure Ben never had the pleasure of trying a BENNETT cocktail. Still, since the names were close, I decided to have one in his honor today just the same.

To make the BENNETT, just combine the gin and lime juice in the measures above into a shaker, then add a few smidgens of Angostura bitters — a favorite new find. Fill the shaker with ice, shake and strain into a cute little martini glass, like shown, or some other type of “short” cocktail glass. Not much of the BENNET is needed to feel its affects.

And what an electrifying affect the BENNET has on whoever dares to drink it. It is a strong drink. My husband called it “wicked” I agree, but I liked it nonetheless and found it rather tasty. I’m gonna keep it in mind when I need a good shot. I think that is its real calling in life. Keeping the BENNET cold is imperative. Drink quickly and feel the warmth in your belly. Kinda like your own little Franklin Stove. Happy 306th Benny!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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