Saturday, December 29, 2012


½ measure TUACA
½ measure blue curacao
½ measure Chambord
Club soda

Holiday Valley ski resort in New York got five inches of snow today. Me and my entourage of family and friends had a great day breaking in our ski legs and playing in the new snow. As the ski day winded down, we went to the Yodler lodge bar to visit Sweet Melissa, our favorite bartender. I asked for a cocktail and she was too busy to think of anything, so I used my extensive knowledge of the cocktail world to create what I call THE SNOWY DAY.

To make THE SNOWY DAY, put TUACA, an Italian vanilla-flavored liqueur; blue curacao, an orange-flavored liquor; and Chambord, a raspberry flavored liquor into a short cocktail glass that is half-filled with ice. Fill the rest of the glass up with club soda and stir. I choose those liquors because I knew they were all delicious on their own. How were they together? The answer is pretty good, but not fantastic. The SNOWY DAY was strong, sweet, and a touch fruity, though not enough so to make me entirely happy. If I was to create a cocktail like this again, I would skip the TUACA. It did nothing for the cocktail but add some bitterness. I did find out from Melissa the correct annunciation of TUACA though — rhymes with Star Wars’ Chewbacca. The best part of the SNOWY DAY was its pretty blue-green color. The cocktail not only allowed me to test my knowledge and stretch my creativity muscle, it also matched my new ski sweater.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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