Thursday, December 20, 2012


1 measure Crown Royal whiskey
1 measure Kahlua
1 measure Bailey's Irish Cream

All of this talk about the world ending tomorrow because of the Mayan calendar is so silly. Ain't gonna happen. But even though the Apocalypse is a no no, it was still an excuse to enjoy a JO- JO and the company of good friends, and know that, just in case it's not silly, I had a good last night.

The JO-JO MARTINI is a favorite cocktail of Jo, the bartender at Quail Hallow Country Club in Concord, Ohio. To make the JO-JO, she put the three ingredients listed above into a cocktail shaker, added ice, shook it well and strained the frothy, brown mixture into a martini glass.

I can see why Jo is a fan of the JO-JO. The succulent cocktail is a creamy way to enjoy whiskey. In this case, its top shelf Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey, which has a very smooth aftertaste to it. When you can taste it that is, which is not the case with the JO-JO. The martini has only a whiff of whiskey taste to it. I found the Kahlua and Baileys' flavors more at the forefront, giving the martini a chocolate and coffee taste . But don't take my word for it. The JO-JO made the rounds among the friends and here's what they had to say:

Cathleen- "I wouldn't turn it down. It's a chocolate lover's delight! But what a waste of Crown Royal."

Amy- "It tastes like an espresso and is surprisingly delicious."

Carolyn- "It's good. It has a sweet side to it. It would be better after dinner than before."

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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