Thursday, December 6, 2012


1 part Van Gogh Double Espresso Vodka
1 part Bailey’s Irish Cream

It was 6:30 pm on a rainy Thursday night in December. I walked into the Mill Tavern in Highland Hts., Ohio, for a cocktail. I had only twenty minutes and no idea what to order. Then, like a beacon of hope, a bottle of Van Gogh Double Espresso Vodka caught my eye. “Yes,” I thought, “That will get me through the Christmas concert, homework fight, dishes, and laundry that I need to do tonight!”

I asked the bartender, Cindy, to recommend a cocktail using the vodka. She said the best way to drink it was straight, but I knew that wasn’t for me and shook my head. Then Cindy said I could have it with Bailey’s and my head started to nod. Even before she started to pour it, I knew I was going to like my self-titled BUSY NIGHT COCKTAIL.

Van Gogh Double Espresso Vodka is made in Holland, but perfect for Americans. It is double-infused with espresso beans, which means it has double the caffeine of a cup of espresso. It has the same wonderful smell as espresso and a very smooth taste. Mixing it with Bailey’s was divine, but it would also go well with cream, Godiva liquor or Amaretto. Anyway you drink it, it is sure to give you a jolt. And, right now, who doesn’t need that? Only 18 shopping days left!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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