Saturday, December 22, 2012


1 measure cognac
1 measure sloe gin
¼ measure lemon juice
½ egg white 

Kiss the willpower goodbye, the holiday celebrations are starting. If you are looking for something fruity and tart to serve, try the KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE cocktail. It was created at the beginning of World War II as a send off for the boys going off to war. To make it, put cognac, sloe gin, lemon juice and an egg white into a cocktail shaker. Add ice, shake well and strain into a short cocktail glass. Garnish with a slice of lemon if you have one.

I think the KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE cocktail was meant to numb the men before they went into battle, because it is a strong one. Sloe gin is an acquired taste made with sloe berries. The berries grow on a bush and are similar in size to a plum. They are definitely a little bitter. Hubby said they taste like a bad date, but I kinda like the taste. Combined with the cognac, the sloe gin is sweeter than usual. Thanks to the egg whites, KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE has a thick consistency to it as well. The only thing to fear is the aftertaste. But it's a problem I easily solved with a top off of seltzer water. Tonic water or club soda would work well too. After that, it was smooth sailing, off to the battle that is the dessert table.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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