Tuesday, November 20, 2012



2 ounces Godiva Chocolate Liqueur
3 ounces milk

There were two reasons the recipe for MONKEY’S HEAVEN caught my eye.

#1 It’s a cocktail with milk. I love milk. It’s a must for me with breakfast, but at cocktail hour? I was intrigued!

#2 Godiva Chocolate Liqueur would be great in a cocktail with cream or in some coffee. I had no idea what it would do for milk, but I had to find out.

To make the MONKEY’S HEAVEN cocktail, I poured Godiva Liqueur and some skim milk into a short glass and stirred. I wish I had known to put the Godiva Liqueur into the refrigerator first, because there is nothing better than really cold milk. But even without that touch, MONKEY’S HEAVEN was a slice of dreamland. It tasted so much like chocolate milk, I thought I was back at the lunch table in middle school. Still, it had that kick that brought me back to the reality that I am over 21. Turns out the answer to both of my queries was “yes.” You can have milk in cocktails, and Godiva can be combined with any type of liquid and it will still taste delicious.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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