Thursday, November 8, 2012


Mango vodka
Vanilla vodka
Cranberry Juice

Amazing how three little ingredients, like the ones listed above, can combine to make a great cocktail. The FRENCH QUARTER MARTINI was made for me at Noosa Bistro in Mentor, Ohio. To make it, the bartender put those ingredients into a cocktail shaker, added ice, shook it well, then strained it into a martini glass.

Garnish would have been nice, but I had no need for ice. The FRENCH QUARTER MARTINI was as wonderful as its namesake in New Orleans -- one of my most favorite places in the world. The cocktail was 100 times better than the Hurricanes they serve on Bourbon Street. The vanilla and mango flavors made for a perfect pairing and the cranberry juice wasn't overpowering, like it tends to be in other cocktails. The FRENCH QUARTER MARTINI was short and sweet, just like this post. Happy Birthday to me!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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