Sunday, November 25, 2012


Mountain Dew
Booze of your choosing (I used Jim Beam Honey)

Before there was Red Bull and vodka, there was DEW BOOZE. The concoction was invented by Hubby and his buddies in the late 1970s on a fateful trip to Florida one spring break. We weren't in Florida today, but we were in the sunshine in a parking lot in downtown Cleveland, prepping for a Browns game against our number one enemy, the Pittsburgh Steelers.

DEW BOOZE was on the tailgating menu and it was the perfect cocktail to wake me up and get me barking. To make it, I just combined some good ol' Mountain Dew with some booze. Hubby says it has to be brown liquor and we used a delicious honey whiskey by Jim Beam. Other brandd of whiskey could be used, but JB is the original.

As far as tailgating goes, the DEW BOOZE ruled. It quenched my thirst and gave me the buzz I needed to save money on expensive stadium beer. It went down pretty easy, but I wouldn't call it easy on the stomach. Like an RBV, more than two is too much. But for a different, classic cocktail, pull on the bell bottoms, comb your fro and enjoy a DEW BOOZE.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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