Monday, October 29, 2012


Rick King and his shot
½ ounce Jagermeister
½ ounce Bailey’s Irish Cream Liqueur
Splash of coke

As Hurricane Sandy makes its way up the United States’ east coast , things are getting hairy and scary just in time for Halloween. Here in Cleveland, the power is out, my car is getting pelting by falling branches and winds are gusting at 50 mph. Sirens can be heard in the distance and down the street there is a downed power line that is spitting flames of fire every so often and illuminating the night sky along with the lighting. I can only image what kind of craziness is happening closer to the coast and pray everyone stays safe.

It’s times like these that I’m glad I’ve run into people like Rick King during my cocktail year. It was at Bar Louie in Beachwood, Ohio. When he heard about my blog, he said I absolutely had to have his favorite shot. It’s made with Jagermeister, Baileys and coca-cola. You put them all into a cocktail shaker, add ice, shake well and strain into a shot glass. Of course I gave it a try, especially since I realized that I hadn’t had any Jagermeister all year.

To me, Jagey is something I use to do a shot of right after I heard the words “last call.” That was long ago and I thought the 70 proof liquor from Germany was in my past. But now the RICK KING SPECIAL SHOT has brought Jagey back into my life and I’ glad. It was a really good shot. When combined with Baileys and coke, Jagermeister takes on a completely different, improved taste. The shot was smooth, creamy and easy to finish. The usual face and head shake that can come with a shot will not happen with this one. I suggest giving it a try while riding out the storm.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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