Thursday, October 18, 2012


1 measure Vodka
½ measure Chambord
½ measure Amaretto
½ measure Frangelico

Nuts n’ berries; it’s a classic combination that makes for good cereal and granola bars. As I found out tonight, it also makes for a good martini. Sure, the NUTS N’ BERRIES MARTINI doesn’t have any actual nuts and/or berries in it. But let’s not nick pick, the thing was delicious!

The NUTS N’ BERRIES MARTINI was made for me by the kind bartender at Billy’s Martini Bar in Mentor, Ohio. I have yet to meet a martini bar I don’t like, but Billy’s is becoming special to me, because they make great cocktails that always come with a half a glass extra in its own little shaker. For the NUTS N’ BERRIES MARTINI, the above ingredients were put into a cocktail shaker, ice was added, and it was shaken and strained into a martini glass that had been drizzled with chocolate syrup.

Though the NUTS N’ BERRIES MARTINI is made with four types of alcohol — and nothing else — you wouldn’t know it by its taste. The raspberry liquor, Chambord, is a dominate flavor and gives the cocktail the “berries,” while the coffee-flavored Frangelico and the almond-flavored Amaretto liquors give it its “nuts.” And the vodka? That just ensures that if you have more than one, you’d be nuts to get behind the wheel. Ahh, yes, tis a strong and delicious cocktail. Thanks Billy!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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