Wednesday, October 31, 2012



1 measure vodka
1 measure Kahlua
1 scoop vanilla ice cream
Dark chocolate for garnish

Happy Halloween fellow cocktailers! It’s been a different one around my house this year. Hurricane Sandy postponed trick or treating; I have zero decorations up because my living room is under construction; and no one was up for carving pumpkins. What was left was horror movies. And the perfect cocktail to sip while watching one was the HAMMER HORROR.

To make the cocktail, I put vodka, Kahlua and one scoop of the best vanilla ice cream I could afford into a blender. I then added a small handful of crushed ice and blended it on high for about one minute. Lastly, I poured the creamy mixture into a martini glass and garnished with some grated dark chocolate.

The horror movie we watched was “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Killer.” It was actually a pretty good flick with a lot of historical accuracy. The storyline and special effects were both good, and there was enough blood to keep my 12 year old boy happy. The HAMMER HORROR, on the other hand, wasn’t horrible at all. It was more like wonderful. The Kahlua, though coffee liquor, gave the cocktail a chocolate flavor, and the ice cream made it taste like a delicious shake. I see where the hammer part comes in, for it is a strong cocktail. Still, Hubby and I had no trouble drinking it quickly. Definitely one of the best Halloween treats I’ve ever had.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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