Saturday, October 20, 2012



1 ½ measure vodka
1 measure Galliano
¼ measure lime juice

I’m figuring out that there are a lot of cocktails with Russian names and it makes me want to hang out with Russians more. One such cocktail is the GOLDEN RUSSIAN that I tried last night. To make it was simple. I just put vodka, Galliano and lime juice into a tall cocktail glass (though short would have worked better) that had been filled with ice, gave it a stir and garnished with a slice of lime.

I really liked the simplicity of the bright green GOLDEN RUSSIAN, but not the drink itself. For me it was prettier than it tasted. It was extremely sour. The idea is for the vodka and lime to cut the sweetness of the Galliano, which is a sweet Italian liquor made from herbs and such. It tastes kinda like vanilla licorice and is 42.3% alcohol, so look out and don't take this Russian lightly.

I love it in other cocktails, but not the GOLDEN RUSSIAN. Hubby, he had a different take on the cocktail. He swiped it out of my hands and had it down his throat in seconds flat. Try it for yourself, and see whose side you’re on.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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