Thursday, October 25, 2012


1 measure Galliano
1 measure Cointreau
1 measure orange juice
1 measure heavy whipping cream
Orange rind and whipped cream for garnish

I was mining what may be the best stocked bar in Northeast Ohio, looking for a cocktail that would kill a bottle and give me more room, while also satisfying my taste buds, when I came across all the ingredients for a GOLDEN DREAM cocktail. To make it, I just put the ingredients listed above — including the last of my tall bottle of Galliano — into a cocktail shaker. I then added lots of ice, shook it well and strained the mixture into a martini glass. I garnished with a slice of orange and some whipping cream, both of which are optional.

I definitely struck gold with the GOLDEN DREAM. Let’s start with the look of it. Any cocktail with whipped cream can bring out the “ohhs” and “ahhs,” but this one was also the most beautiful shade of orange I’ve ever seen. And the taste? Well, with two kinds of cream, you could already guess that it had a thick, creamy taste. But it was also tangy from the orange juice and Cointreau, and had the sweet licorice sting of Galliano. In fact, Galliano is the overwhelming flavor, so if the Italian liquor is not a favorite of yours, this cocktail won’t be either. Otherwise, give the GOLDEN DREAM a try. You’ll have the extra added bonus of sweet dreams as well. Yep, it’s another strong one.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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