Tuesday, October 23, 2012


1 ½ measure apricot brandy
Juice of a lemon

The difference between a bullfrog and a regular green frog is size and sound. The bullfrog is larger and has a deeper voice than a green frog. The difference between apricot brandy straight up and a BULLFROG cocktail ain’t much, so if you don’t like apricot brandy, don’t even bother.

But if you do like the sweet, strong, fruity flavor of apricot brandy, I highly suggest giving the BULLFROG a try. To make it, just put the brandy into a cocktail shaker and squeeze in the juice of a lemon — how much is up to you. Add plenty of ice to the shaker, and shake and strain into a small aperitif cocktail glass. I didn’t expect to like this cocktail, but I was as happy as a bullfrog on a lily pad after a meal of flies as I sipped it. It was a soft and pleasant way to end my day.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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