Friday, September 21, 2012


Citrus vodka
Fresh lemon
Ice tea

The new Local Tavern by my house, it's called the Local Tavern, has a fluid cocktail list full of interesting fluids. The one that caught my eye tonight was the arrogantly titled WRIGHTEOUSNESS cocktail. The name is a dig on a nearby popular sports bar called the Wright Place.

The ingredients are the three listed above. The bartender put about a measure and a half of citrus vodka and ice tea into a short cocktail glass, added ice, stirred and squeezed in some juice from a lemon, and garnished it with a lemon slice.

For me, it was an experiment to see if citrus vodka would taste better with ice tea than regular vodka. It didn't.

Granted, I'm not an ice tea lover, unless its high quality, and I was at the Local Tavern, what did I expect? I guess it was the cocktail's name. I thought someone had put some real effort and passion into the "stick it to 'em" cocktail. It did get better with a squeeze of the lemon and some more ice, but I won't be ordering the WRIGHTEOUSNESS again. Not right away anyways.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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