Saturday, September 1, 2012


8 mint leaves
1 ounce lemon juice

2 ounces gin
1 ounce St. Germain
Dash sugar syrup

Anne is a great name. My grandmother was named Anne, my dog is named Annie, I have a good friend named Ann, and now I have a great-niece named Anne, and boy is she a cutie. She was born in Chicago about three months ago and traveled to Cleveland today for a baby shower, where I was serving SAINT ANNE cocktails.

To make the SAINT ANNE, I put mint leaves and lemon juice into a cocktail shaker and muddled them together. I then added the gin and St. Germain, along with a dash of sugar syrup, and lots of ice. I shook it up and strained it into a glass with ice, garnishing with a sprig of mint.

The SAINT ANNE was a pretty drink, full of refreshing minty and lemony flavors. It had complex undertones and flowery overtones, most likely from the St. Germain elderflower liqueur. The cocktail was both refreshing and sour, lovely and powerful. I certainly had no complaints from the crowd, and a request or two for seconds. Saint Anne the woman was the mother of the Virgin Mary. A very spiritual woman, she is the patron saint of mothers, making the SAINT ANNE the perfect baby shower cocktail. But you don’t need that excuse to have one.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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