Tuesday, September 4, 2012


1½ measures gin
½ measure cherry brandy
¼ measure maraschino cherry juice

I had to go back to reality today after a long, fun holiday weekend. Luckily, I could use my daily cocktail to escape to Park Avenue in New York City. That is the classy part of midtown Manhattan, where the big corporate skyscrapers reside and a condo will cost you $25 million or more. A PARK AVENUE cocktail will only cost you about $5 to make. You just need gin, cherry brandy and maraschino cherry juice. To make the cocktail, put those three into a cocktail shaker, add ice, shake and strain into a small martini glass.

My initial reaction to the PARK AVENUE cocktail was to “oh” and “ah” at its pretty lilac color. It certainly made a statement and made me feel all “upper East-side” classy as I swirled the mixture in my martini glass. The cocktail’s taste was very potent, and it’s not for someone who doesn’t want to taste their liquor. But it also had a nice, smooth, and subtle flavor as well. It was overflowing with the aroma of cherries from the brandy and juice, and you could barely detect the gin. Make one soon. It will have you singing “Darling, I love you, but give me Park Avenue!”

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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