Monday, September 17, 2012


1 ½ measures light rum
6 measures grapefruit juice
¼ measure sloe gin

After a fun, but tiring weekend in Chicago, my Monday morning was not a joy. I turned that around with a MORNING JOY cocktail. Though I drank it in the evening, I think it would make a great brunch cocktail. To make the MORNING JOY, you’ll only need the three simple ingredients listed above. Put them into a cocktail shaker, add ice, shake and strain into your glass of choice that has been half-filled with ice. I invented the grape garnish myself, but an orange or pineapple garnish would be great as well.

You can get creative with the cleaver-tasting MORNING JOY cocktail. I loved the light taste and the light rum. It’s a cocktail that will not weigh you down while it lifts your spirits. The sloe gin is the key ingredient. Sloe gin is not gin. It is a red-colored liqueur made from sloe berries, which are similar in size and taste to a plum. The liqueur gives the MORNING JOY a dry, slightly-sweet taste, that, when combined with the grapefruit juice, makes a cocktail that is worth the effort, no matter what time of day you drink it.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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