Tuesday, September 11, 2012


1 measure bourbon
¼ measure sweet vermouth
Dash Angostura bitters
½ ounce maraschino cherry juice
Maraschino cherry for garnish

In remembrance of the day when we were all New Yorkers, tonight’s cocktail is the classic MANHATTAN. Named after the most densely populated of the five NYC boroughs and trendy for over a 142 years — at least — I can’t believe I haven’t had one yet this year. There is some dispute as to exactly where the popular cocktail was invented, but the most accepted story harks back to NYC’s Manhattan Club in the 1870s. There was a banquet in honor of Lady Randolph Churchill (Winston’s mother) at which the cocktail was served. It quickly became all the rage and, since it didn’t have a name, people started calling it the Manhattan, since it had been served at the Manhattan Club.

When Hubby found out we were having MANHATTANS, he got all excited and even made them for us. Making it was quick. He just filled short cocktail glasses with ice, then covered the ice with dashes of Angostura bitters. He next added the bourbon, sweet vermouth and cherry juice. He stirred it up and added maraschino cherries on top for garnish. Another option is to put the ingredients into a cocktail shaker, add ice and strain into a martini glass

Make no mistake, the MANHATTAN is an extremely strong brown liquor cocktail. But it’s also extremely good after you get past the first few sips. I admit, I needed to add some more cherry juice. That and a little melt, and my MANHATTAN took an uptown turn. I also learned to take a bite from a cherry before taking a sip to really up the pleasure factor. Hubby thinks the MANHATTAN is simply the best drink ever. He said that’s because it lives on the border between strong and sweet, which is why it goes down rather easy. Itwould only take about two for you to get good and plowed. I can certainly picture wall street guys drowning their sorrows in one after a tough day at the market. I’m sorry now that I didn't drink a MANHATTAN while I was in Manhattan last November. I won't let that happen again.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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