Thursday, September 6, 2012


Welch’s Grape Juice

Anyone who has been to Bully Hill winery in the New York Finger Lakes Region knows that it’s a fun place with bad wine. But their champagne is good and their advice even better. When I was there this summer, the wine steward told me about a cocktail that sounded easy to make and delicious. It’s also another “make-ahead” cocktail that is good for those busy times.

I call it the BULLY HILL CHAMPAGNE SPECIAL and to make it you will just need some champagne and classic Welch’s grape juice. Put the grape juice into an ice cube tray and freeze it over night. The next day, pop those puppies out of the tray and put them into a champagne flute. Add champagne, the more expensive the better, and serve.

The BULLY HILL CHAMPAGNE SPECIAL is an interesting twist on champagne. The grape flavor added from the ice cubes, which melt quickly, turn the champagne into a flavorful rosé, and Hubby and I drank ours down in a flash. This cocktail will be a hit with grape lovers and champagne lovers. All others, don't bother.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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