Sunday, September 9, 2012


1 ounce Amaretto
1 ounce Grand Marnier
Hot Orange Tea

Discovering that you can combine alcohol with tea is one of the many rewards that have come with my year of cocktails. It just never occurred to me before this year. But on a Sunday night like tonight, after a disappointing Browns game and a disappointing shopping trip, a hot tea comfort drink was needed. I found what I was looking for at with the BLUEBERRY TEA cocktail.

I began by making some hot orange-flavored tea. After letting it seep for about two minutes, I added the amaretto and Grand Marnier, then stirred. There were many things I loved about the BLUEBERRY TEA cocktail, and how easy it was to make was one of them. I also loved how it was soothing, warm and pungent. Amaretto is an almond liqueur and Grand Marnier is an orange-flavored liqueur. They worked great with the orange tea. However, because of the name of this cocktail, I thought they might somehow magically combine to taste like blueberries. Didn’t happen, but by the time I got to the end of the strong drink, I did not care. I was just ready to crawl into bed.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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